At Home Care, we are dedicated providing you with outstanding service for your vacation residence. We take care of your house, garden and pool during your absence, thus protecting your investment. While you are in residence, we take care of the small tasks of everyday life for you and your guests, so you won’t have to worry about the details, and are able to simply enjoy your vacation. We care for your home!
- Professional estate management
- Pool service
- Gardening
- Maintenance and utility costs control
- Remodeling supervision
- Interior and exterior cleaning at regular intervals
- Booking of flights or rentals as well as airport shuttle
- Grocery and dry cleaning service, reservations at restaurants or catering
- Placement of reliable servants, e.g. chefs or babysitters
- Administrative help and translations
- Key management, guest care and inspection
For an individual concept and questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
07157 Puerto Andratx · Mallorca
Mobile: +34-661611313

GLOBAL MANAGEMENT VIP is a current dynamic serious and rooted company in Mallorca with a clear vocation towards the satisfaction of our customers. It started its activities in 2011 and is formed by a very experienced team in this sector. The pillars of our company are the effectiveness of our technicians, the fast and clear communication with the client and our work to satisfy the clients with the most personalized , qualified services. For all these reasons, we are proud to be a reference in the sector and allow us to provide you with quality services guaranteed by fully satisfied customers. In the case of the community of owner (comunidad sa Torre ) we want to convey our proximity to your home ,which is demonstrated by the fact that our base of operations is located in the same municipality. In addition some of our clients like, the community of Camp de Mar beach, very close to yours. We invite you, as far as possible ,to visit them to check “in situ” our maintenance services in these communities.

1 - Budget coverages
- Sweeping and mopping every 3 days of the landings and stairs.
- Daily sweep of the entries.
- Window cleaning of the stairs of each block every 3 days.
- Periodic cleaning of handrails, buttons, panels and floor identification plates according t need.
- Periodic cleaning of mailboxes (including the removal of advertising) gate of the entrances blinds of counters, technical rooms and registers of counters of each block...
2 - Cleaning entrances, stairs and common areas
- Daily cleaning of community hallways.
- Daily cleaning of the pool solarium.
- cleaning of the exterior pedestrian entrances to the beach.
- Cleaning and disinfection of the showers (summer season).
- Surface cleaning of the car parks and garage once a week by blower according to the state of the same . In high season , even twice a week.
- Change of garbage bags in the bins.
3 - Maintenance of the pool
- Cleaning and control of water status (analytical I each budgeted visit) In addition, during the summer season water analytics will be carried out by a company technician using a photometer with the following parameters total chlorine, free chlorine, PH, Isocyanuric and alkalinity In compliance with current legislation.
- Periodic review and control of the pool filtration system, adjustment of clocks, dosing equipment, tanks and sand filters.
- Application of necessary products for optimum performance.
- Replacement of small grille-type pool accessories, impulse nozzles, skinner lids etc.
- Placement and removal of furniture from the solarium (sunbeds and umberellas) on request.
- Periodic cleaning of the pool 2 to 3 times a week in summer season as needed and is needed in winter.
- Industrial tools for the maintenance of the pool included robot cleaner and high pressure cleaner)included un the maintenance fee.
- Automatic dosing equipment with control by means of the Ph and chlorine dosage unit according to regulations. These equipment will be left as a loan (they are part of the tools used by the company) while it remains as a residential maintenance company. The replacement of the accessories and spare parts of the dosing equipment, due to wear and tear, will be invoiced separately.
- Periodic inspection and maintenance of the dosing equipment and industrial tools mentioned above.
- Abnormal or extraordinary circumstances , unrelated to ordinary maintenance , such as breakage of filtration equipment, conditioning due to the appereance of faeces or similar in the water ,location of the source of leakage in the pool etc... will be treated separately from the maintenance itself.

4 - Maintenance of the garden
- Review and maintenance of the community irrigation system to ensure optimal operation and efficient water consumption.
- Replacement of small accessories (programmer, nozzles, hoses, drippers etc). This budget does not include the repair of buried elements of irrigation such as main pipes, replacement of valves, tank repairs, etc... or improvements of it.
- Pruning of plants, hedges, brushes located inside the residential according to the season of the year.
- Annual palm pruning included.
- Scarified, weeded and fertilizer of planters according to the appropriate time.
- Cleaning of planters and elimination of weeds.
- Preventive treatments through ,herbicides , helicitas , insecticides , fungicides are included and will be carried our according to the legislation in force.
- Labour is included in this budget for the replacement of dead or old plants.
- The felling of trees or stripes of palms or chance of sites of the same, would be carried out apart from the maintenance with previous presentation of the budget.
- Maintenance of the garden of the external sidewalk that goes on the beach.
- Maintenance of outdoor garden area in front of the pool.
- Include labour and realization of seasonal plants every year.
- We recommend replanting the lawn twice a year in October and once in April, this would be out of budget.

5 - Reviews
Bimonthly lighting review
This budget includes a bimonthly review of the community lighting and the workforce of the replacement of molten light bulbs detected in it. Labour is also included for the replacement of punctuated cast elements.
Bimonthly doors review
It includes the revision, adjustment and lubrication every 2 months of the bowls, retainers and hinges of the pedestrian access doors of the community. It also includes the labour of small jobs in the same as the replacement of bowlers and electrical locks damaged during these revisions.
The relevant review tasks will be carried out according to the protocol attached to this offer of the following existing elements in the Residential:
- Pressure groups to supply homes.
- Filtration equipment for the pool and Jacuzzi.
- Technical room bilage pump.
All those actions not included in the list of tasks of the attached protocol and the materials used would be invoiced seperatly.
The company has a 24 hour emergency service.
The cost of the service outside working hours or holidays is 36 euros / hour (tax not included).
6 - Quarterly review of lobbyists
Monthly visit which the following tasks are carried out.
- Review of equipment status.
- Analysis of water hardness.
- Salt supply.
- Refilling of the deposit (according to need wih out waiting for the monthly visit).
7 - Monthly decalcified community review
24-hour emergency and repairs
In the section reserved on our website to the community “SA TORRE” of Camp de Mar, you will have access to the work with actions carried out in maintenance visits, significant notifications , requested budgets , invoices, images, files etc… All aimed at having a total communication and transparency between the company and the community of owners.
The company has technicians in pluming, electricity and masonry.
In the cases in which an urgent breakdown is detected or notified in some element of pluming, electricity, masonry etc . The community and the Administration will be notified and our company will go to the residential to detect the problem free of charge in the first instance. In order to solve the problem, in case it as an urgent issue, it will take charge of the repair directly or present a budget in case it is not. The direct repairs would be duly documented.
The company will allocate to the community properly trained operators with experience and in possession of their accreditations for the maintanence of swimming pools and Phytosanitary applications. The company will perform the tasks it deems appropriate according to the state and the situation of the facilities at all times. All this, according to the coverages mentioned above.
8 - Observations of interest
- Periodic inspection of a company supervisor in relation to the contracted services.
- The company has a civil Liability insurance (CR) with which it would be responsible for the damages that may be caused during the activity by it`s employees. In addition, it has a service for the prevention of Occupational risks (PRL). The client agrees to observe the rules on PRL.
- The operators who will come to the community are duly trained to carry out the maintenance tasks described in this budget and with a professional category appropriate to the services described. They have the necessary certifications for the handling of Phytosanitary products and after treatments of swimming pools.
- The operators will come to the community properly uniformed according to the corporate image of the company and will be in permanent contact with the entity responsible for the management of the community.
- The duration of the service will be 1 year from the service start date and can be tacitly extended for equal periods . In case that one of the parties wants to dispense with the service , it will have to communicate by e-mail or certified letter at least1 month before the end of the service.
- This budget is calculated according to normal conditions of the facilities. The irregular status of any of them may after the execution of the services and the assessment of the budget itself. The budget is vaild for 3 months from the date of delivery.
- The staff will perform the service on weekdays.
- The community is commited to providing an office space available during the workday of the operator and that serves as a storage space for tools and materials.
- This budget is calculated taking into account the use by the company of autonomous tools, by motor and by accumulator.
- The payment method will be by bank transfer between 1 and 5 of the month following the invoice date. In case of late payment, the management of the same will be done according to current legislation.
- The amount of the service will be adjusted on January 1 of each year based on the increase in the CPI produced during the previous year.
9 - Annexed
Protocol maintenance of pressure groups.
According to current regulations, pressure groups must operate daily at times when there is consumption in the building so that the water accumulated in the tanks is renewed and does not remain stagnant in them, and may even produce, if this happens, health problems in the community. Therefore, from Global VIP we recommend that the maintenance that must be carried out in these inhalations should be, at least, quarterly.
- The pressure of the air inside the membrane is checked.
- If it is detected that the air level is insufficient , it would be injected to its optimum levels.
- Visual verification of possible leaks, both by mechanical closure, as well as by connections to the suction and discharge pipes.
- Noise check of the bearings and hydraulic phase.
- Checking the operation of auxiliary pumps.
- Checking the perfect closing of check valves.
- Checking the status of the isolation keys.
- Checking the pressure gauge.
- Testing of gayos in a variator.
- Checking both the operation and the time of the clock of the by-pass solenoid valves.
- Checking of the protection automatic devices (circuit breakers) and thermal regulation.
- Checking the switching of the motors (alternative)if there were more.
- Checking the cutting probe by minimum water level in storage tank.
- Checking of counters(relays).
- Tighten and lubricate the tortilleria.
- Verify that the filling device (valve) closes perfectly.
- Visual check of the internal state of the deposit.
- Verify the operation of the direct power by-pass of the network.